Sunday, February 13, 2011

Winter Jam!!!

So. Winter Jam is in March, and I am patiently waiting for it to come. I missed it last year, and was appalled when my sisters (Amber, Brooke, and Victoria) came home and told me how "amazingly awesome" it was, carelessly rubbing in my face the fact I didn't go... well, SLIGHT exaggeration :D. I was actually at a program called D-now (discipleship now) with my good buddy Tessa Brooke <3 but she actually left me also hehe :). If you have not read my information that talks about the music I like, I encourage you to do so. Some of the artists I have mentioned will be there, and I am absolutely ELATED!!! Red, the band, will be there. Oh boy! And one artist that I am exceptionally excited about is Francesca Batistelli (if that is how you spell her name). If you have not heard of her, please look her up. She is such an amazing lady who is on fire for God <3. If you're just too lazy to look her up right now (jk jk!), I shall post a video of one of her newer songs called "Beautiful, beautiful."

 Blessings, Alysa

Saturday, February 12, 2011

We are the Body

This song is so manditory to listen to. It tells a TRUE story about Christians today, making it crucial for the true Christians to step up and make a change. If we are the Body, why do the arms seem broken? If we are the body, why do the ears only hear what they want to hear, blocking out what actually matters? If we are the body, why are the legs crippled? We're always hoping for a brighter tomorrow and future, and think that since we have such a powerful God, He'll be able to do it all. We are sadly mistaken. We were set here for a purpose: to do His will. We've got to be proactive!!! From experience, I can tell you. Alot of people around you are not Christians. It's up to us to spread His great love around to people that truly, truly need it.

         Enjoy the video :)
   Blessings, Alysa